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Should you have a birth playlist?

Should you have a birth playlist?

Have you created a birth playlist? If you haven't, that's ok! After reading this, you may just want to. And if you already have, we have some tips to help you get your playlist perfect for you.

There is evidence that suggests music can provide pain relief or decrease the perception of pain in labour and birth - sounds good right? So how can you harness this to get the most benefit out of it for labour and birth? We'll take you through just that!

Music is personal - We all have different tastes and we're not talking about whether you prefer "meditation music" or "rain sounds" here, this is all about music you enjoy day-to-day (and if that's meditation music and rain sounds, that's great!). Your birth playlist ideally is music you have personally chosen and find relaxing, soothing, enjoyable and calming. So you may not be able to use someone else's playlist, unless they have the exact same taste in music as you!

Nature sounds/Bells & Bowls - If you want to try something like this for your labour and birth, that's great and it's likely going to be relaxing even if it's not entirely familiar to you. A recommendation though: Listen to the playlist multiple times before labour so you can cut out any that you don't like AND you can become familiar.

Familiarity - Music that you know and love is going to work best. We know that when we play our favourite songs we often have a positive emotional and physical response and this works the same for birth. You know those songs that you know all the words to and always gets you singing or dancing? That kind of familiarity, that makes you feel something just by hearing it, is key.

Practice - Following on from above, play the playlist throughout pregnancy and practice breathing and calming techniques. There are 3 great reasons for this:

  • 1 - You'll reap the benefits of this during pregnancy,
  • 2 - You'll be more prepared when it comes time to use these techniques in labour, and
  • 3 - It'll be easier for you to "drop in" to these techniques while your music plays because you've done it many times before.

Headphones - You may not use them and that's ok, but some people find them helpful for blocking out other noises that may be going on in your space that you're not able to remove. Closing your eyes and focusing on music that you've chosen for yourself can take you to a place where you feel safe and calm regardless of where you are. A mini/portable speaker is handy if you're not using headphones - it will always sound better than playing directly out of your phone!

Last but not least - Take note of the song that was playing when your baby was born (your partner or support person can take note!) This can be a special memory to reflect on and share with your new baby as they get older.

Also, we promise your midwife absolutely does not mind about your music choices - your birthing space is all about YOU and what makes you feel comfortable, supported, happy and safe.